

Whom we support? For what we support?

  • Are you interested to know more about the Microfinance?
  • Are you looking out to launch a Micro Finance Institution (MFI) in the near future?
  • Do you find problems in managing your Microfinance program in a professional way?
  • Do you find challenges to scale up your Microfinance program?
  • Do you find the problem of lack of funding opportunities limiting your growth opportunities?
  • As a Banker, How to increase your Microfinance portfolio by identifying Good MFIs?
  • As a Banker, How you can increase your Microfinance portfolio through direct linkage with groups?
  • As a CEO of a start-up MFI, whether you feel lonely at the top and do not know whom to share your problems?
  • As a NGO transforming your microfinance projects to a MFI, do you find a challenge in transformation?

For all the above pain points or problems or opportunities, virutcham academy offers customized training programs and technical support.

Training Programs

Category – Microfinance
Staff of MFIs / Small Finance Banks / Banks / Regional Rural Banks / NBFCs / Cooperatives / Farmers Groups – involved in Microfinance.
Target groups – Training for whom Problems faced by the target groups. Suggested Training program to address the problems.
Credit officers, Loan officers or Client Relationship officers High turnover at this level and new staff not knowing the basics and not adhering to the responsible finance practices
  • Service with a Smile- a client centric approach to microfinance.
  • Purpose Centred approach – making a difference in the lives of clients.
Branch managers and mid- level executives Intense competition and high client drop-out rates

Frauds and Misuse in loans

  • Purpose Centred Microfinance management with a focus on managing growth, overcoming competition & ensuring social performance.
  • Branch as Profit centre
  • Risk management
Senior management
  • Problems in managing the stakeholders and cross functional teams.
  • Lack of leadership skills
  • Not using the data related to operations and finance
  • -Managing Microfinance -Balancing Purpose & profit.
  • Leadership development program
  • Portfolio Management

Technical Support

  • Institutional assessment of MFIs or Microfinance programs of Banks
  • Mentoring support to CEOs of MFIs
  • Preparation of transformation plan for NGOs from Project to a Sustainable MFI
  • Preparation of Operation manuals / lending policies / Risk management policies
  • Setting up the Purpose Centred Growth approach in operations & using the COSSP tool
  • Monitoring & evaluation support to the funders / investors of MFIs
  • Strategic support to the Board of MFIs as an advisor to promote Good governance
  • Any other customized needs of social businesses

A brief about Microfinance

Even though India has a vast network of bank branches, poor continued to be marginalized from the mainstream financial institutions as their access to banks were limited due to the non-availability of security for them. Microfinance, small loans without collateral security delivered at Poor’s doorstep, through self-help groups emerged in India as an alternative credit-delivery system in the 1990s, which led to a silent revolution and resulted in greater financial inclusion. Microfinance is the provision of a range of financial services like savings, credit, insurance, remittance, and housing to the people at the bottom of the pyramid.

Documents for free download

  • Video on Introduction to Microfinance
  • How can MFIs / Banks nurture SHGs? Top 10 SHG Best practices.