Social Entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneurship

Why we need Social Entrepreneurship?

  • India is ranked 129 out of 189 countries listed in UNDP’s Human Development Index report 2019
  • Multi-dimensional poverty estimates as per UNDP report is 369.5 million people (27.9% of total population)
  • As per World Bank’s extreme poor indicator, i.e. people earning less than 1.90 USD per day is 21.2% of total population
  • As per Oxfam International’s Inequality report 2019, India’s top 10% owns 77.4% of national wealth whereas bottom 60% of population owns merely 4.8% of national wealth

All the above indicate that there is a greater inequality in India and there is a long way to address all the social and environmental problems. Under this context, the role of Social Entrepreneurship & social entrepreneurs is important for achieving the inclusive growth and mainstreaming the poor & the marginalized.

What is Social Entrepreneurship?

Social Entrepreneurship is addressing a social / environmental problem that has been neglected by other stakeholders, with an innovative solution & a sustainable model.
The solution evolved by the Social entrepreneur will have a sustainable business model so as to reach the target group in scale and in an efficient manner and creating a tangible impact in the lives of the target group and in the society.

Training Programs

Target groups – Training for whom Problems faced by the target groups. Suggested Training program to address the problems.
Social Entrepreneurs / NGOs Struggling to identify the right opportunity and correct Business model Social Enterprise Launch Blueprint training
Social Entrepreneurs / NGOs Barriers in scaling up the social enterprises in a sustainable way. Scaling up Social Enterprises -Immersion program
CEOs of MFIs, NGOs and Social Businesses (Farmer Producer Organizations and others) CEOs feel lonely at the top and find it difficult to discuss sensitive issues with bosses or peers and need mentoring support for the strategic issues. Strategic support to CEOs of NGOs, MFIs & Social businesses. (Signature program)